UX Researcher/Designer

Please hire me.

I'm a senior at Tufts University studying a unique combination of Computer Science & Child Study and Human Development. I am passionate about understanding how the user interacts with a product, thus have pursued a study in both the product and the user.

Photo of Me

My international background has made me attentive to cultural differneces and a desire to better cater things to different audiences. Now equipped with an understanding of technological tools, I'm driven to cater products to the best fit to as many unique users as possible. I have a diverse background of working at a national nonprofit organization that works with mayors and city government across the US, conducting research assessments about at-risk populations in New Orleans, and compiling reports about the usability of technological tools used at Tufts. I am eager to learn about more UX research tools and skills to be able to make a postive impact on users.


I'd love to talk further about career opportunities more depth with you!
Contact me here!